Past Exhibitions |
Information about past 'real world' exhibitions, including some photographic impressions. |
September 27th, 2008 - January 25th, 2009
--- Interactive walk-in kaleidoscope ---
A new media art project by
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

The Humann-project has been selected by the jury for the finals of the
It will be exhibited at the re-ACT exhibition at Museum "Kunstlicht in de Kunst", Eindhoven
from September 27th 2008 thru January 25th 2009

Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder at the opening reception, Sep. 27th, 2008
Museum "Kunstlicht in de Kunst"
Emmasingel 31, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 
The Humann-project also has been selected by the jury for the finals of the
April 21st - 28th, 2007
"Handheld Histories as Hyper-Monuments"
A locative multi-media art project by
Carmin Karasic, Rolf van Gelder and Rob Coshow

Judi Rotenberg Gallery
130 Newbury Street
Boston, MA, USA
This artwork is part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival 2007
November 19th, 2004 - December 31st, 2004
Works by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder will
be shown at the International group show:

Opening: November 19th, 2004 |
December 20th, 2003 - January, 2004
Works by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder were
shown at the International group show:
Galerie Bella Vita
Stadttor #1
40219 Düsseldorf

Opening: December 20th, 2003
30 November - 19 December, 2003
Works by Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder were
shown at the International group show:
Art Beyond Borders
Kunstverein Erkelenz

Kölner Str. 78
41812 Erkelenz
October 24th - November 16th, 2002
Works by Rolf van Gelder were shown at
the International group show:
Art Beyond Borders
Galerie Kandinsky, Vienna, Austria

July 19th - August 4th, 2002
Works by Rolf van Gelder were shown at
the International group show:
Mostra Arte Senza Confini
Castle of Travo, Italy

July 20th - August 4th, 2002
Works by Rolf van Gelder were shown at
the International group show:
Art Beyond Borders
Grillparzerhof, Kirchberg o.d. Donau, Austria
August, 2002
Works by Rolf van Gelder were shown at
the International group show:
Mostra Arte Senza Confini
Castle of Fontanellato, Italy

January 18th - May 27th, 2002
DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park
Lincoln, MA, USA
"Virtual Quilt"
An Interactive Art Project by
Clara Wainwright, Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder
As part of the exhibition:
Clara Wainwright: Quiltmaker and Celebration Artist

DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park
"Throughout its history quilt-making has been viewed as a community-building activity as well as a form of communal creativity. The quilting bee, a gathering of people to construct a quilt, remains a way for people to interact in a group art process. Similarly, the origins of the Internet are community-building in nature. From the beginning, art made for the Internet has had an interactive aspect that allowed for group participation.
For this project, quiltmaker Clara Wainwright and the web artists Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder have brought the communal creativity of the web and the quilting bee together in The Virtual Quilt: An Interactive Art Project. The entire online world is invited to participate in the creation of a virtual quilt that will be made into a real quilt and displayed here at DeCordova.
This quilt-process is the fabric version of the virtual quilt. Through the DeCordova Museum Web site, cyberspace visitors by design a square for the quilt online. On Tuesdays of each week, Clara Wainwright will print out the new square designs, create the squares in fabric, and stitch them to this quilt. You can follow the growth process of the quilt online.
Many thanks to Carmin Karasic and Rolf van Gelder for creating this virtual quilt, which allows us to expand the exhibition beyond the gallery walls."
George Fifield
Curator of New Media
DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, MA, USA |
October 21st - November 11th, 2001
Municipal Gallery Burg Stolberg
Stolberg, Germany

September 1st - 10th, 2001
Ensemble... Europa Pittura
Assessorato alla Cultura
via Garibaldi 6
Subbiano (Arezzo), Italy
Harald Amler - Patrizia Capalbo
Manfred Peter Müller - Rolf van Gelder

June 28th - August 31st, 2001
Generali Insurance Company
Linz, Austria
May 1st - May 31st, 2001
Lankershim Arts Center
3108 Lankershim Blvd.
North Hollywood (LA), CA 91601
Opening reception:
Thursday May 3rd, 7-10 pm
May 4th - May 13th, 2001
April 21st - May 6th, 2001
d{s}eduction dialogue
a cyberart installation by:
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

New England School of Art and Design/Suffolk University
For this year's Cyberarts Festival, New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University will present an exhibition of work by Boston artist Carmin Karasic. Karasic is an internationally-exhibited digital artist and a graduate of Suffolk University. The show will feature her installation, "d(s)eduction dialogue" a collaborative video dialogue with the artist Rolf van Gelder. The artists, a black American woman and a white Dutchman, confront each others' realities through two Flash movies looping on confrontational TVs. d{s}d is seven synchronized movie pairs spinning bytes about race, gender, culture, power, control, war, and reproduction.

April 21 through May 6, 2001. Monday through Saturday, 9 AM to 5 PM. At New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University, 75 Arlington Street, Boston, MA. Free! Handicap accessible.
January 13th - February 4th, 2001
Karmel Convent
The Netherlands

November 5th - 30th, 2000
Galerie Kandinsky, Vienna, Austria

November 6th, 2000
d{s}eduction dialogue
a cyberart installation by:
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder
Boston Cyberarts Festival Preview Party
Massachusetts College of Art
Tower Gallery, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, USA
September 27th - October 8th, 2000
d{s}eduction dialogue
a cyberart installation by:
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder
Art System Gallery
327 Spadina Avenue
September 27th - October 8th, 2000
Art Beyond Borders / 7Sea
Art System Gallery
327 Spadina Avenue
July 11th - August 31st, 2000

Galerie Club der Begegnung
Kulturzentrum Ursulinenhof
July 6th - 20th, 2000
Kirchberg o.d. Donau
Austria |
June 3rd - July 8th 2000
d{s}eduction dialogue
a cyberart installation by
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder
Artists Foundation @The Distillery
516 East Second St. 1st Floor,
Boston MA 02127, USA

Watch the movies that run on the tv's!
Select one of the scenes below.
Scenes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(you'll need the Flash 4 or 5 plugin for viewing)
d{s}eduction dialogue
cyberart installation, June 2000
by carmin karasic and rolf van gelder
This cyberart collaboration explores the relationships and correlations between replication, sex, power, and violence. This work is based on the collaborators' two different perspectives: the personal observations by a black American woman and a white European man.
Reality is based on perspective, as we perceive it to be. Perception is based on our cultural filters. Positioned as two simultaneously looping movies, the artists' visions confront each other's realities. Concepts of conquest and cooperation circle about the human drive for lineage preservation. Power has reproductive implications. Violence is used to gain power. Their comparisons of perceived power and control create a dialogue that concludes: sex is the primary root of war.
Internet chat about the Kosovo bombings
Installation Credit:
Video Editing: George Fifield
Equipment and Props Loaners:
Jason Reynolds, Mik Miller of Body Xtremes, Brooke Woodruff
Additional Assistance: Dave Karasic, Leah Olsen, Véronique Notten, Geff Karasic, Leedah Karasic |
April 21st - May 31st, 2000
Galeria Proposta
Rua 18, 622 4500 Espinho, Portugal
Rolf van Gelder
*solo exhibition*

April 3rd - April 9th, 2000
Galerie Kandinsky

March 24th - April 2nd, 2000
Galerie Riefel
Maria Enzersdorf a.G. (Vienna)

October 5th - October 20th, 1999
Library of the Government of Upper Austria

October 5th - October 20th, 1999
The-R-Tus Gallery
2808 Long Beach Road
New York 11572, USA

August 1998
The Emerging Collector Gallery
62 Second Avenue
New York City, NY 10003, USA

June 20th, 1997
Minna Street Gallery
San Francisco
Art auction by the famous popstar
to benefit The Shri Babaji Charitable and
Research Hospital in the Kumaon region of India
Some paintings by Rolf van Gelder
were featured at the auction.
January, 1997
(Open your cage and fly...)
SolArt Gallery
*Solo Exhibition*
Rolf van Gelder
June 15th - August 31st, 1996
"EVENTA-3 International Art Exhibition"
Ekeby Qvarn Art Space
showing some paintings by Rolf van Gelder