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Eventa-3 International Art Exhibition 1996 - Uppsala, Sweden
Some of Rolf van Gelder's paintings were shown at the Eventa-3 exhitibion.
Eventa is a thematic exhibition presenting artists from all over the world. The theme of Eventa-3 was MANKIND.
The Ekeby Mill Location:
Ekeby Qvarn Art Space
an old water mill site near Uppsala (Sweden)
June 15th - August 31st, 1996
Entrance of the Mill
Some Photographs taken at Eventa-3

Butoh Dance

Bärbel Brandkorst (Germany)

Cho Chung Yeun (Korea)

Quageroh Imazawa (Japan)


Jaakko Rönkkö (Finland)

Kjell Martens (Sweden)

Angela Riesco (Chile)

Mikael Varela (Sweden)
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