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Current, Recent & Upcoming Exhibitions
Information about current, recent and upcoming 'real world' exhibitions, including some photographic impressions and press reviews.
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April 11th, 2014

SjansMachine v3.0 @ Baltan Open Labs

(logo by Olga Mink)

an interactive art installation by
Olga Mink , Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

shown at
Baltan Open Labs
NATLAB, Kastanjelaan 500, Eindhoven, The Netherlands find on google maps

April 11th, 2014, 7:30 -10:00pm

SjansMachine v3.0 reflects the world we live in and the ever-increasing technologies that incorporate daily life. The idea of sjansmachine is to bring social network ‘friending’ into real space to connect people in the real world again.
Participants intuitively use emerging technologies, such as QR tags and face detection, to ‘find new friends’ based on their type of personality.

SjansMachine website
Baltan website

May 31st - June 8th, 2013

T#Walker v1.0


a new media art installation by
Rolf van Gelder

shown at:
Eindhoven Public Library, Eindhoven (NL)
find on google maps

as a part of the
Dutch Technology Week 2013

Short description:

T#Walker is a real-time ‘Tweet-Walker’ (or ‘Tweet-Crawler’): it pulls real-time Tweets from Twitter and finds its own way in the vast Twitter world.
In fact it’s an arbitrary mirror of the world; showing what people are talking about, right now, at this very moment, linking tweets by keywords.

The way it works:
It retrieves the most recent tweets for a specific ‘keyword’ and displays them word by word, with information about that tweet (at the bottom of the screen) like the date and time it was tweeted, the Twitter name of the tweeter, the number of followers of the tweeter, the geo-location of the tweeter (if available).
The avatar of the tweeter will be displayed in the middle of the screen.
If the tweet contains a link T#Walker will show a QR-tag with the link information in the upper left corner of the screen so the visitors can scan it with their smart phone, if they like.
After the set of tweets has been displayed the next ‘keyword’ will be picked from all the words in the previous set of tweets:

User interaction:
The flow of T#Walker can be influenced by the visitors of the exhibition by sending tweets to Twitter.
The tweets should contain the hashtag #twalker2013, followed by a space and exactly one keyword.
For instance: #twalker2013 bibliotheek
The installation will pick up the visitors keywords and use them as a starting point for further crawling.

Dutch Technology Week 2013
Stadslab Eindhoven
Photo's from the T#Walker installation

November 5th - 12th, 2011

Exquisite Zone v1.0

a new media art installation by
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

shown at:
Kennedyplein, Eindhoven (NL)
find on google maps

as a part of the
Glow 2011 Festival

Short description:

The title, Exquisite Zone, references the 1920-30s surrealist drawing game called ‘Exquisite Corpse’, in which each collaborator adds to a collective composition.

Exquisite Zone invites nightly participants to use their smart phones to make digital marks in public space. The idea is simple, but we've never seen it done real time with mobile devices, such as phones. The concept was developed in a 2010 Baltan Labs workshop.

Many people can add to the ‘collaborative public drawing’. Each time they move their finger over the phone canvas, a line will be drawn on their phone and on the wall. Although a participant's phone displays only their individual canvas, Exquisite Zone projects the collective canvas on an architectural structure.

Exquisite Zone - project description
Glow 2011 Festival
Photo's from the Exquisite Zone installation
Video Eindhovens Dagblad, 11/04/2011
Press release, 09/19/2011
Press release, 10/10/2011
City of Eindhoven, 10/25/2011 (Dutch)
Eindhovens Dagblad, 10/30/2011 (Dutch)
NOS Nieuws, 11/05/2011 (Dutch)

June 10th - 19th, 2011

SjansMachine v2.2 @ currents 2011 Festival

(logo by Olga Mink)

an interactive art installation by
Olga Mink , Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

shown at
currents 2011 Festival
El Museo Cultural Santa Fe , Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA find on google maps

official opening of the SjansMachine installation
June 10th, 2011, 6 -10pm

SjansMachine v2.2 reflects the world we live in and the ever-increasing technologies that incorporate daily life. The idea of sjansmachine is to bring social network ‘friending’ into real space to connect people in the real world again.
Participants intuitively use emerging technologies, such as QR tags, Augmented Reality, and face detection, to ‘find new friends’ based on their favorite movie genres.

SjansMachine website
currents 2011 website

September 22nd - October 1st, 2010

SjansMachine v2.0 @ Nederlands Film Festival 2010

(logo by Olga Mink)

an interactive art installation by
Olga Mink , Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

shown at
Festival Pavilion, Neude, Utrecht, Netherlands find on google maps

as a part of the
Nederlands Film Festival 2010

official opening of the SjansMachine installation by Miss Match Doro
Sunday September 26th, 2010, 8-10pm

SjansMachine v2.0 reflects the world we live in and the ever-increasing technologies that incorporate daily life. The idea of sjansmachine is to bring social network ‘friending’ into real space to connect people in the real world again.
Participants intuitively use emerging technologies, such as QR tags, Augmented Reality, and face detection, to ‘find new friends’ based on their favorite movie genres.

Check out all information @ the SjansMachine website!
Photos from the SjansMachine @ Nederlands Film Festival 2010, Utrecht, NL

January 14th - 16th, 2010

SjansMachine v1.0 @ PlazaPlus Festival 2010

an interactive art installation by
Olga Mink , Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

shown at:
Plaza Futura, Eindhoven (NL)
Leenderweg 65, 5614 HL Eindhoven, Netherlands find on google maps

as a part of the
PlazaPlus Festival 2010

Short description:

… Are you feeling lucky? … Looking for something new? ...Wanna take a chance..? Let our instant matchmaking machine spice up your night!

Sjansmachine is an interactive installation that works with realtime images and face detection software. The aim of this installation is to bring people closer together in a playful and fun way. This project is a collaboration between Eindhoven based artists Rolf van Gelder, Carmin Karasic and Olga Mink.

SjansMachine was created for PlazaPlus Festival 2010 @ Plaza Futura.

Check out all information @ the SjansMachine website!

November 6th - 15th, 2009


(still from Anthropocene :: click on the image for a detail)

a new media art installation by
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

shown at:
TAC - Temporary Art Center, Eindhoven (NL)
Vonderweg 1, 5611 BK Eindhoven, the Netherlands find on google maps

as a part of the
Glow 2009 Festival

presented by
MAD - Emergent Art Center

Short description:

Anthropocene is the era in which human activities significantly impact the Earth's climate and ecosystems. This artwork highlights interdependencies between human activities that impact global warming.

The artwork 'Anthropocene' depicts the sun in the background, as the central energy source, with population, deforestation, CO2 emissions, industry, oil and water as conceptual gears.
Each rotating gear-like image causes the one next to it to rotate.
Population growth leads to energy demands that drive industry, which in turn leads to deforestation.
All three lead to increases in green house gases. Everything has a relationship to water.

A live feed 'ticker tape" displays related data, changing as it scrolls above and below the animation.

The music, "In C", is by Terry Riley.

'Antrhopocene' was created for MAD @ GLOW 2009.
The artwork consists of digital collages and statistics controlled by a program written in the Processing language.

Glow 2009 Festival
TAC - Temporary Art Center
MAD - Emergent Art Center
Photos from the Anthropocene exhibition @ TAC, Eindhoven
Cursor 8 (weekly magazine of the Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e)

April 17th - September 8th, 2009


--- digital kaleidoscope ---

A new media art project by
Carmin Karasic & Rolf van Gelder

Museum of Science
1 Science Park, Boston, MA 02114, USA find on google maps

as a part of the
Boston Cyberarts Festival 2009

Additional info:
Find all information on the humann project website!
Photos from the humann exhibition @ Museum of Science Boston

humann opening reception, April 29th, 2009

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