From a write up
Sharmin Varghese, artist and writer, is a woman whose feminine energy is evident in her works. An artist who believes in the politics of expression. Sharmin voices her dissatisfaction over the state of things (that are largely define by the narrow cultural mindset), without restraints, but with calm knowingness.

About the work
On the many imageries within her works, Sharmin notes that the planting of certain images is not a deliberate and conscious act.
"I don't consciously think this part should be here of there", she says, "I like it when the viewers get different things (interpretations) from it."

Conceptual thought
... to get back the intuition, energies, and it is also about forgiveness - letting go of past hurts, Sharmin summarises.
"A lot of energy has gone into these paintings. OF course, it could be shown in other ways, but I've decided to show it in this way", says the artist.

freelance writer for:
and other publications
part time lecturer at the Lim Kok Wing Institute of Creative Technology where I lectured Visual Culture & Design for the Interior Graphic and Electronic Design Departments

graduated from Auckland Society of the Arts
Degree in Fine Art specialising in:
print making
art history & design
(1993-1994 New Zealand)
graduated from La Salle A College of the Arts
Diploma in Fine Art specialising in:
life drawing
theory of art

national art gallery (malaysia)
(group) 1999
dhyana pura (bali)
(group) 1998
skoob gallery (malaysia)
paintings & installations
(solo) 1997
matic (malaysia)
(solo) 1997
petronas gallery (malaysia)
(group) 1995
asa gallery (new zealand)
woodcuts & installation
(group) 1994 |