"I was born on the 6th September 1953 in the north part of Slovakia in region Orava. More than 20 years I dedicate to the artistic photography. Since then I have been gradually building up my unfinished series of photos of people from the hillsides of Orava, a series entitled 'A people's tale'.
I have made the documentary photos to the old people on a threshold of their life and death. I was documenting the hard life of the people, which doesn't exist today yet. This document is entitled 'A portrait of the old orava'.
I am interested in a problem how a man is even with his death, therefore I was documenting to a life in the old people's home, where the old people was getting, where I photographed in their surroundings and their lives became waiting for their death. This life-cycle has title 'A day longer than timelessness'.
When I explored the region Orava I met with a special woman, despite her high age -more then 90 years- radiated from her enormous life power. Long time she lived abroad, whose her life different from the others people. I photographed her as a nude and I wanted to express a symbol of the life, of the death, of the youth, of the old age. This photographic cycle is entitled 'A top model'.
At present time I dedicate to a problem of alcoholism. I intercept of alcoholics in their surrounding where they live. I want to emphasize destruction person by alcohol. This photographic-cycle has title 'Ways of alcohol'. I also photograph these people in the produced form. I don't want to show a human nudity as a sexuality, but men who are psychically and physically naked. They are on a total ground their life, although they are deeply believers. This photographic cycle has title 'A Christian's love'.
